PLUG Tools
PLUG Tools
PLUG Tools Overview
This page will give a brief summary of the most important elements of PLUG Tools, to prime you for the following Quick Start Guide.
With this basic understanding, you should be equipped to create your very first procedural dungeon.
Before diving in, I'd like to cover some of the processes and terminology that will consistently be used throughout PLUG and this documentation.
At the highest level (currently), the Dungeon Builder will create a randomly generated dungeon using the Levels (Cells) you've created. It will guarantee that there is a singular path through those connected Cells, and also allows you to add additional branching paths (Sub Paths) from that initial Main Path, although these are not required. These additional paths can dead end, or they can connect to another Path that you specify.
It uses a number of connected Blueprints and Widgets to achieve this, and we'll cover those in the following documentation. Let's go over some terminology first:
Dungeon - One or more Paths that are created within a Grid and can connect based on your specifications.
Path - A collection of Builds (for different Floors) with specific settings on how they can be constructed.
Build- A collection of Cells grouped into categories which denote where in the Path they can be placed. The categories are:
- Start: The first placed Cell in a Path.​​
​End: The last placed, or Boss, Cell in a Path.
Height: These Cells allow Floor changes.
Special: When a Cell is not a Start, End, or Height Cell, a Special check will run. If the check passes (based on your specifications), a Special Cell will be placed.
Path: For everything else, a Path Cell is placed.
Fill: Once all Builds have finished, the Dungeon will fill remaining (based on your specifications) open Grid Slots with these Cells. These can be continuations of your current Builds, or they can be inaccessible, purely cosmetic Cells.
- Start: The first placed Cell in a Path.​​
Cells - The individual Levels you will construct, which will be stitched together by the Dungeon Builder. These must have a single Cell Block in them.
Cell Blocks - These Blueprints hold all of the data required for the Dungeon to operate. They should encompass your entire Cell (Level) and should have their transforms set to default. A single Cell Block is used across all of the Cells that a particular Dungeon will use. You cannot use two different (Base) sized Cell Blocks in the same dungeon. This specifically refers to the Cell Length and Cell Height of the Cell Blocks, not the Cell Size (multiplier). The Cell Block also holds the Openings the Dungeon will use to connect Cells.
Openings - Once the Dungeon is finished building, it places Doors and Blocks over all available Openings. If a Path leads through an Opening, the Dungeon will place a Door. For every other Opening, a Block is placed.
With that out of the way, let's dive in!
If you'd like to go through a step-by-step guide on building your first Dungeon, select the Quick Start button. If you'd like a detailed breakdown of how the Widgets work, you can select the Widgets button to start. To learn about the inner workings and mechanics of the suite, select the Mechanics button.